CoE - Jump


Jump Label has a multidisciplinary Center of Excellence focused on the generation and sharing of knowledge and the application of best practices for the company’s various areas of operation.

As organizations grow and become more complex, various “silos” begin to emerge in which the evolution of knowledge and skills, both individual and team, happens in parallel, according to the different experiences and solutions found in each journey.

Jump Label believes that it is possible to share this knowledge between the existing “silos” through a multidisciplinary team of technical leaders whose goal is to promote the generation and exchange of ideas about the best technical solutions found in the various projects carried out, as well as to use this knowledge to define and share guidelines and best practices to be followed by our collaborators.

The main asset of a consulting firm is its professionals, and the knowledge and skills they bring to solve the different challenges found in everyday life.

Our Center of Excellence was created with the idea of actively promoting the sharing and exchange of knowledge among our talents who work on different projects and customers, seeking to create within Jump Label an important knowledge base that allows to guide and direct the developments and actions of our collaborators, always seeking higher quality in technical solutions, applying best practices and seeking continuous improvement.

CoE is a multidisciplinary team composed of technical leaders from different backgrounds. Among its functions is to hold meetings, structure, share and promote knowledge bases with content on best practices and standardization.

This team is also responsible for providing technical support, whenever necessary, serving as a specialized consulting team that can be called upon by our collaborators during the projects developed.

With CoE, Jump Label seeks to enhance the culture of alignment, innovation and continuous improvement within the company, thus reflecting in a great quality differential in the service to our customers.